
In the Program for Sustainable Local Development and Decentralization 2021-2026, adopted by the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia at the Sixty-sixth Session of the Government held on 20th of April 2021, in Annex 1: MATRIX FOR STRATEGIC MONITORING for implementation of the Program for Sustainable Local Development and Decentralization 2021-2026, in Component 2: INNOVATIVE AND INCLUSIVE LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, Priority 2.1 .: Creating the necessary preconditions for accelerated economic development and growth of the local self-government units, in the third row, in column 5, the number "5" is replaced with the number "3", and in column 6, the number "15" is replaced with the number "5".


In Component 3: QUALITY LOCAL SERVICES ENCOMPASSING THE OVERALL POPULATION, Priority 3.2. Advancement of local services related to social protection and child protection by the units of local self-government, in the third row, in column 5, the number "8" is replaced by the number "7", and in column 6, the number "10" is replaced by the number "8".


In Component 4: INCREASED RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY OF LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT, Priority 4.1. Advanced standards of urban planning and construction for the purpose of accelerated socio-economic development, protection of the environment and climate, in the first row, in column 6, the number "550" is replaced by the number "850".

In Component 4.5: Improved local services in the field of health care, in the fifth row, in column 6, the number "0,78" is replaced with the number "0,83".